Distribution of No Longer Hoping 2012 to 2015 - For many years IEB team outreach workers have engaged in sharing the Gospel with people and home-to-home visitation in Counties Donegal, Sligo, Leitrim, Roscommon, Mayo and Tipperary. Their awareness of the great need in Ireland to reach people in many remote and rural areas with the Gospel resulted in the decision to pay An Post to distribute Gospel literature to homes in Ireland. In IEB our first venture in postal distribution by An Post of booklets entitled No Longer Hoping, written by Mr Dick Keogh, to 1.79 million homes in every county in the Republic of Ireland began in 2012 and continued until 2015.
Distribution of Hope in a Troubled World 2017 to 2019 - In July 2017 IEB began a distribution of a second booklet entitled Hope in a Troubled World, also written by Mr Dick Keogh. These booklets were distributed to 663 500 homes in Counties Clare, Cork, Galway, Kerry, Laois, Offaly, Sligo, Mayo, Leitrim, Tipperary and Limerick.
IEB continued this distribution from 22 to 26 July 2019 when Hope in a Troubled World booklets were distributed by An Post to 503 800 homes in Monaghan, Cavan, Donegal, Louth, Roscommon, Longford, Meath, Westmeath, Kildare, Kilkenny, Wicklow, Carlow, Wexford, Waterford and part of Dublin.
This means that a further 600 000 homes need to receive the Hope in a Troubled World booklets as God provides the resources.
£120 or 130 Euro will pay for the cost of printing and postage of booklets to 1000 homes in the Republic of Ireland.

The Booklet, Hope in A Troubled World
This booklet brings hope to people facing trials and problems and points them to God who can bring them true peace as they come to Him in sincere repentance and faith. Each booklet contains a reply slip which interested people can cut out and request Bibles, New Testaments and other booklets which interest them. Reply slips can then be sent to Dick and Mary Keogh at PO Box 15, Thurles, Co Tipperary. Reply slips can also be sent to Irish Bible Ministries, PO Box 14, Lifford, Co Donegal.
Since the distribution of the two booklets we have received many encouraging responses. We praise God that to date 2000 people have returned reply slips requesting Bibles and other literature.
The Committee of IEB appreciate very much the work of Dick and Mary Keogh as they respond to those who send in reply slips requesting Bibles, New Testaments and other literature. This is a very important job which they do very well.
The Committee of IEB also express their sincere thanks to Mr Rodney McCullough and his staff at Antrim Printers for the hard work they put into the printing, preparation and transport of the booklets to Dublin Mail Centre. This was a big job which they carried out very efficiently.

**That through the Postal Distribution of the booklet, Hope in a Troubled World, people living in the Republic of Ireland will be reached with the Gospel.
**That people will be challenged with the need to be born again and come to faith in Christ.
**That God will provide the resources to pay for the printing and postage costs of the booklets.
Our vision is to reach the people of Ireland with the Gospel. We believe that making the booklets, No Longer Hoping and Hope in a Troubled World, available to people in the Republic of Ireland will help them to clearly understand the way of salvation. Ultimately our vision and prayer is that people will realise their need of salvation and be born again.

The IEB Postal Distribution of No Longer Hoping booklets from 2012 to 2015 to 1.79 million homes in every county in the Republic of Ireland was the fulfilment of a vision or burden of IEB to reach the men, women and children of our country with the Gospel message. The response from people who were reached through this Postal Distribution was so encouraging that it was decided that the same means should be employed to distribute another Gospel booklet, Hope in a Troubled World, to homes in every county, city, town, village and rural area of the country.
The following excerpt from a letter we received, sums up the value of the Postal Distribution:
"I want to thank you for sending me a Bible which I am reading at the moment. I am 90 years old."
The following are excerpts from some of the encouraging letters received following the Postal Distribution of Hope in a Troubled World booklets:
"Thank you for posting the booklet, Hope in a Troubled World, through my letterbox. I would like to order a copy of all of your booklets for our staffroom library."
"I would love to get a copy of the Bible please."
"I got your booklet in the post and enjoyed reading it. I would love to get some of your free booklets.
I am a senior citizen."
"Please send me a Bible and literature explaining the way of Salvation."
"Could you please send me a Bible? I never had one before. I don't know what to believe anymore."
"I received your booklet today (Hope in a Troubled World), and I found it very interesting. I would like if you would send me on a Bible."
"Times are strange. A lot of depression, sadness and sickness. Please send me a Bible."
"Thank you so much for the beautiful Holy Bible and French booklet."
"I received your literature. I will enjoy reading them during the long winter nights."
"What kind of book could I give to a family that has lost a loved one through suicide?"
"Some patients in the hospital noticed the booklets and have asked for some."
"Thank you for sending the free literature. I'm seeking to change myself into a person of faith."
"Thank you for letting me get a New Testament."
Dick and Mary Keogh